“31 Days to Great Sex” Book Give-Away

31 Days to Great Sex

Have I got a treat for you!

Today I get to highlight an e-book recently published by a fellow writer and speaker, Sheila Gregoire, “31 Days to Great Sex.” I also get to give away not one, but two free copies. I find it fitting that the first giveaway on this blog is a book about sex. More importantly, how to have GREAT sex.

I have a thing about marriage. And sex. I think both are amazing. And I think they each make the other better. Try to have only one without the other and it’s like trying to have cake without frosting. Or frosting with no cake. That might sound good for a little while, but you’re missing out on cake at it’s best.

Same thing with marriage and sex: to enjoy the best of each requires enjoying them mutually, not exclusively.

There’s a lot of focus in our culture on sex and sexuality. Yet the majority of it focuses on sex that happens outside of marriage, whether it’s before or in the context of an affair. Mainstream culture doesn’t usually emphasize great sex in marriage, how to spice up that relationship, and keep thing steamy after 5, 15, or even 40 years.

Which is why I’m excited to share Sheila’s book, “31 Days to Great Sex.”

Written specifically for married couples, her book walks you through the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspect of sex, working through issues that may be holding you back from experiencing great sex. It has ideas for spicing up your sex life and each day has a practical application that ensures you’ll put into practice what you’re reading. It’s straightforward and holds nothing back in its discussion, which is why I find it so refreshing.

If you’ve just gotten married, have been married for years, or know someone who is married, this a great book to get. Especially if your sex life is not everything you would want it to be. Let’s be honest, that’s most of us at some point or another.

I guarantee you’ll take away at least one or two new ideas for improving your sex life with your spouse. And for $4.99, how could you not want to invest that into your marriage or the marriage of someone else?

With December just around the corner, this is a great chance to start this challenge on the 1st and end the year with a bang!

Win a free copy!

I’ve got two copies to give away of Sheila’s 31 Days to Great Sex. But don’t worry–if you’ve already bought it, or you buy it now, and you win, Sheila will send you a copy of her book The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex instead (and that’s worth more!).

Ways to enter the competition (the more you do, the more chances you get to win):

  1. Leave a comment below about why you think sex is important for marriage, how we can encourage better sex in marriage, or why you think sex can suffer in marriages.
  2. Tweet this post and give-away to your followers, then come back here and comment that you Tweeted. I trust you to tell the truth.
  3. Share on Facebook about this post and give-away and then come back here to comment that you did so. Honor system applies here again.

Remember, you can still buy the book now, enter the drawing, and then either get The Good Girl’s Guide to Sex, or an extra copy to give away if you win!

The drawing will end at midnight on Wednesday November 28th.

Congratulations to our two winners, Dena Johns and Deanna. Enjoy the book!

47 thoughts on ““31 Days to Great Sex” Book Give-Away

  1. I have a huge hang up with sex. Was taught it was wrong and still have issues with relaxing and enjoying. Would love some help with this issue!!!


  2. I believe sex can suffer in marriage because to many couples seek to please themselves rather than their partner. I, also, believe that sex can suffer when to much emotion goes into their job or children rather than focusing on their spouse. I will be sharing this on FB, and tweeting as well.


  3. Sex can suffer in marriage b/c there are so many outside influences, past mistakes, and so many more negatives things that affect that important part of our lives!


  4. I think sex is important in marriage because it is a way that we connect with our spouses. It involves so much more than just the physical act of sex, but more spiritual and emotional connection. I personally never understood the importance of sex until about 4 years into my marriage. I was never really taught that sex was used to connect and feel oneness with your spouse, rather taught that sex was just something you did because you were married and could! Sex is so much more important to me now that I understand it is how we recharge ourselves together in marriage!


  5. Sex can suffer in marriage because of many reasons but one that my husband and I are going through right now is routine. It is routine for us before bed, at nighttime, and there is no spontaneity. But we both decided last night that something needs to be done so we don’t lose the sight of how wonderful and precious sex really is.Thanks for the giveaway!!


  6. Sex is important to keep marriages strong. God created sex to keep husbands and wives close — to make them one. Intimacy helps us to know each other and grow closer to each other than anyone else. And when you’re that close, you feel like a team better equipped to take on problems. I have Tweeted and shared on FB.


  7. sorry I forgot to answer all the questions. I think it is important because it is the only thing that should be shared exclusively with my husband. We can improve it by talking about it openly and not being ashamed of it!! God created it so we should be honored to enjoy it.


  8. I think the biggest reasons sex suffers in marriage is simply due to busyness. Life leaves us exhausted and we think we can push that to the side. It simply isn’t a priority to many. For me, raising three little girls leaves me spent and time with my husband has to be scheduled. When I get there, our marriage thrives. It’s just easier to push it to the bottom of the list sadly enough.


  9. Sometimes sex can suffer in marriage due to illness on the part of one or both partners. It is so important to address this issue and the importance of intimacy being maintained when the actual act cannot take place for awhile. I personally believe that there is no greater ecstacy and sense of fulfillment on this earth than good sex within the marriage relationship of two people who have a great relationship with the Lord!! Experiencing this kind of intimacy gives us a sense of the ultimate fulfillment we will find with our Lord and Savior when we are no longer in these bodies affected by our sinful flesh, but our new incorrupt bodies with Him in Heaven.
    Would love to win a copy of the book!


  10. Yes – I Tweeted and FB, but what I really want to say is that I believe more books should address this topic with healthy and fun ways to engage sexually in marriage. Having the best sex of my life after 32 years of marriage – honestly!!


  11. Sex can often suffer in a marriage due to work stresses and/or children. Being exhausted and preoccupied with a one year old that is all over me makes sex the last thing on my mind.
    Sex is a way of reconnecting with your partner. Not only physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. People, myself included, need to make it a priority. Have a date night, both make an effort to go to bed at the same time, do little things throughout the day to show your partner that you live and care for them. Have some mental foreplay during the day. Be creative and have fun!


  12. Satan is on a rampage to destroy marriage and families and If we don’t stand up to him, who will. Christians NEED to be the ones to show the world the right way!


  13. Sex is essential in a marriage. It is God’s plan to bring two people, husband and wife, together. It is definitely a special connection between husband and wife that is different than any other relationship.
    My husband and I are both full-time students so finding time for each other is often difficult amidst the daily stresses of finances, schedules, and homework/studying. There are times that I have to take my homework to bed in order for us to go to bed at the same time. I am often too exhausted and overwhelmed with school during the week to even think about sex. Thankfully I have a very understanding and patient husband. We do our best to make time for each other whenever we can, even if it’s only a “study break.” On the weekends, however, we try to spend one day with just each other hanging out, if possible.


  14. I would like to win this book because we are in desperate need of help in this area. We have been struggling with this issue for such a long time and got to the point that even the word “sex’ gives such a negative vibe for us. I have been reading Sheila’s blog for about 6 months now and hoping to gain more insight and understanding to help us .. I don’t want our marriage to break just because 2 sinful selfish people can’t learn about sex : God has created sex to use in our marriage and relationship to grow us closer to God and each other – not to break us apart. Thanks for the chance.


    1. Thank you for sharing! Please don’t hesitate to buy the book now (it’s only $5) and if you win the drawing, you’ll get Sheila’s other book, which will also be a great help.


  15. Sex is important because most of us begin with sexual attraction in the first place. Better sex in marriage can only be obtained by communication between the couple, but when there is books such as these available, it can spark the flame. Honestly I wish church leaders will talk about sex more. I feel ashamed to ask for guidance. Sex can suffer because of millions of tiny reasons, but for my marriage it was work hours plus new baby. We drifted apart because he was working hard at our financial goals and I was trying to raise baby and preschooler and stay awake. That lead to different sleep patterns, different beds, etc.


  16. I know hubby and I tend to argue more and get more frustrated with each other when we aren’t having sex regularly. It really does help us work better together outside the bedroom too!


  17. What a great give away– especially for married couple. I think you’re right on- our culture doesn’t spend enough time looking at healthy, fun, great sex for married couple. I think one reason sex can suffer in marriages is just lack of time/commitment. It’s easy to let work, day-to-day stuff, tiredness, emails, etc get in the way. I think the same way in dating priorities can get messed up and it can too quickly become all about the physical, I feel like the opposite can happen in marriage.


  18. Simple as it is, “Marriage is God’s best plan for us to live a better sex life and family.”When God created Adam and Eve He chose what best for them, not what Adam or Eve wanted, but God has joined them together for life. Mark 10:9


  19. Sex can suffer if not watered and tended to like a plant or a garden. If other plants in the garden are getting more of your attention and time and nourishing, then sex will die. The weeds need to be pulled up when they are weeds, instead of waiting to chop down a tree with an axe.


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